Today’s post is a report of Undercity Noir game 2, session 5. At this point, I won’t go out of my way to avoid spoilers. It is too difficult at this stage. Potential future players - be warned! I will also have to guess the spelling of some of the character’s names.

session 1, session 2, session 3, session 4

Creative Timekeeping Rule

In order to better deal with the “split party problem,” Mailanka instituted a new rule for this session. Each scene should have at least two PCs - even if the timing wouldn’t make sense. The events below are roughly chronological based on real life, but don’t think too hard about the in game timing.

Anastasia and Blake

Anastasia and Blake went to visit Lady Heshethim. The “temple” appears to have built on temple that was converted to a theater and has been run down again and used as a temple again. On the way there, they met Piker (a Rantathm boy/man who appears to have “encouraged” Lisa to snatch Anastasia’s sword) and later Bog Mono (the Gaunt who sold “dead flesh free” Shinjurai sushi) who guide them to Lady Heshethim. Piker mentioned that Lady Heshethim doesn’t let him associate with the Bloodsiders. Apparently, the Crooked King is “fond” of her, but she doesn’t particularly like him. Anastasia and Blake asked about how to kill the Blood King. Bog Mono that he is immortal. Allegedly, he died once and already came back to life. Piker mentioned Templars from the Keleni cinema as a way to kill him.

Lady Heshethim was able to sense Anastasia’s internal injuries and had a vague sense that she was royalty of some sort. Lady Heshethim “healed” Anastasia’s injury by transferring the injury to Bog. He heals quickly and has a high pain tolerance. He also seems to be the one who handles the money that is payed for Lady Heshethim’s services.

Besides healing. Lady Heshethim provides other services such as a “special” type of fortune telling allegedly involving destiny/fate and performing seances. She “told Anastasia’s fortune” and revealed some important information about the individual that her “mafia friends” tasked her to rescue. She is also royalty or something similar.

Lady Heshathim also performed a sort of seance to channel the Mystical Tyrant that Blake “loves” (Lady Heshathim alluded to Blake’s regular name dropping of the Emperor). “The Tyrant” revealed that someone import yet dangerous in the (presumably Imperial or Kronosian) government is appearing on Kronos and is difficult to control both with psionics and Communion (and the new governor is a Tan-Shai). The Tyrant is sort of reluctant to allow this to happen, but he is in a difficult situation. In response to Blake’s questions about “alien paths”, the Tyrant said “there is only the path of the Mystical Tyrant.” (Blake later told Xaka about this which basically confirmed to him that the Emperor is a Mystical Tyrant; how did the Emperor think that entrusting Blake of all people this important information? And no, I don’t count that as a spoiler!).

After finishing their business with Lady Heshatim, Anastasia and Blake left. While escorting them out, Piker exchanges contact information with them, gives some information about Lady Heshatim’s motivations and asks for help with his relationship with Quinlan Sage (one of Xaka’s students). He is conflicted. He likes her but is afraid of causing trouble with her family. (He does realize that Lisa is far too young for him which will be a relief to Xaka)

Simon and Xaka

Xaka took Simon to the Imperial Academy for some research. It required an easy Administration roll to get Simon admitted. Simon used his Digital Oracle and Enhanced Time Sense to scan records at inhuman speed for information about Prestige security personnel and discovered the following:

  • Shotokai Zero is head of security and former Shinei (an elite bodyguard; see the end for an insider space ball note about Shinei)
  • Shojo Otaka is the lead sysadmin
  • Gilfoil Star was recently fired and is the creepy guy whom Anastasia met in session 2
  • Petro Magnum likes to drink and tell stories
  • The Canterwell kept appearing in searches but without much information
    • The crew consisted of Jessica Hunt (recently deceased), Peartree Joe and Neil Fishly (went missing on an expedition) and Cooper Jack

Xaka researched Lanister Cowl and found some interesting donations and an important connection to Moira Morgan (his academy associate from session 2).

Figuring that Moira should know what happened to Lanister and might have information to help them decrypt Lanister’s data chip, Simon and Xaka headed to the space port to catch her before her flight left for her “vacation.” On the way there, they encountered a Krokuta and a Ranathim. Simon appears to have been aquatinted with them, and they seem to be working for the Slug. They offered Simon a job to kill Mortimer Sallow and recapture Mara. Simon indicated that he was currently working a job and would have to consult his terms for conflict of interest, but he would consider the job. Xaka isn’t a practicing attorney, but he is well versed in contract law (14; +3 with Single Minded).

Simon went to investigate the Canterwell while Xaka spoke with Moira. The Canterwell appeared to be in rough shape. Simon searched the outside for a way inside to investigate (near instantly with Enhanced Time Sense) and found a way in without arousing suspicion. The inside was a mess. After some investigation, Simon discovered that:

  • The Canterwell was a salvage ship
  • Jessica Hunt appeared to have been murdered in her apartment
    • She had no external injuries but appeared dehydrated
    • The electricity was out in her apartment
  • The Canterwell encountered a “black sliver” ship
    • The Canterwell discovered the artifact there
    • Peartree Joe and Neil Fishly were lost in that expedition
  • Cooper Jack may the remaining survivor of the crew

Simon downloaded the ship’s log for future reference.

While Simon was investigating the Canterwell, Xaka met Moira Morgan and explained what happened to Lanister Cowl. Moira was a little sad to have lost a friend, but she was terrified of the Crooked King. She said again that he was behind everything and that his power comes from the Deep Engine. She warned Xaka to leave once again (She clearly doesn’t understand Keleni). Xaka asked about Lanister’s password hint, and she said she didn’t think Lanister had a girl in his life. “Perhaps he had a daughter or sister she didn’t know about.” (Ranathim/Humans are clearly not very good at reading people. Any Keleni girl in Moira’s place would have noticed how Lanister felt about her.)

Next, Simon and Xaka went to visit Petro Magnum from the Prestige’s security team. He was bragging about something or other to a waitress who used our arrival as an excuse to get away. Simon introduced himself and indicated that he was looking for a job working as a security specialist. Petro took us to a private location where we could talk business. Simon was able to convince Petro to forward his resume. After the discussion, Xaka decided to play fortune teller. He didn’t need to do much cold reading since Petro was like a book who read himself. With a slight effort and a little fast talking from Simon (of course Simon has Fast-Talk. He is a Trader), Xaka was able to that Petro was enamored with “Viva Red,” a Ys clone. Xaka predicted a successful relationship with her in Petro’s future (some time after the heist). Xaka also offered to boost Petro’s confidence with hypnosis. Xaka implanted some suggestions after an easy hypnotism:

  • To cooperate with anyone who give a certain obscure passphrase (post hypnotic)
  • To put in a good word for Simon
  • That Shikari is dangerous (post hypnotic)
  • To be confident when speaking to “Viva Red” (some time after the heist)

The hypnosis was willing, and the heist is well within a week, so the hypnotism is pretty much “full strength.”

Blake and Xaka

Blake and Xaka met at the Imperial Academy to get tickets to the Prestige. Shortly after they met, they unlocked Lanister Cowl’s data chip. It contained a Deep Engine protocol that allowed contact with one of two entities: the Mysterious Stranger or Unconquerable Wyrm. Now was not the time to use it but it may prove useful (or disastrous) in the future.

After analyzing the data, Blake and Xaka went to visit the dean. Penrose Tweed’s office was occupied with two Imperial officers. One was Giovanni Spire. Xaka is fairly certain that he is a Psi Static after his emotions felt like an endless pit (He is the psi hunter Blake encountered a few times before. She has not received any premonitions about him.). They are looking for Blake and Xaka and wish to select one of them to authenticate the artifact. The incoming governor is considering purchasing it. The dean protested and kept suggesting some other (Human) expert instead (I should have made an offhand comment that Tweed doesn’t disrespect Blake personally. Instead, he disrespects the one who sent her!). Xaka and Blake were able to convince the Imperials that both were needed to properly authenticate the artifact and received tickets. We were warned not to speak to the governor unless requested and to avoid eye contact (Blake can certainly avoid eye contact, but I am worried that she can’t keep her mouth shut!)

Finally, Xaka took Blake to his office to discuss a few things including scheduling a meeting between Xaka and Piker. There was a minor encounter with Finann Fizzle about concern for one of Xaka’s students. This is also where Blake let slip the Emperor’s secret (without Fizzle present).

Next Time

Gleep, Simon and Cherry still need to obtain tickets to the Prestige. If all goes well, Simon will get the security job. Gleep shouldn’t have too much trouble getting aboard. The plan for getting Cherry aboard involves dress shopping.

The two things I know should happen next session are:

  1. Dress shopping for Cherry
  2. Xaka attending Temple

Dress shopping isn’t normally dangerous, but some quick fight would be nice for Anastasia. It shouldn’t be difficult to contrive a reason. Kronos is a dangerous place after all, and there are muggers aplenty. Anastasia also needs actual assassin work too, but that makes less sense in a dress shopping mission.

Additionally Xaka should visit the bank and may need to check on his daughter.

We have some additional prep work to accomplish, and it would be nice to gather intelligence about our competition.


It was a fun session. We are getting closer to the heist. Unfortunately, Gleep’s player was absent again.

I forgot about Xaka’s Single Minded bonus a few times (not that it would have made a difference this session).


A Shinei, in the purest sense, is an elite bodyguard of the Shinjurai Royal Family. The Empire is around 20 years old, and the Shinjurai Royal Family is in Denjuku (Alliance territory). This implies that Shotokai Zero was a Shinei 20 years ago. It is also possible that he was a Shinei in the sense that he was an elite bodyguard that was trained in Shineido but not necessarily a bodyguard for the Royal Family.