Today’s post is a report of Undercity Noir game 2, session 8. We finally got to the Prestige!

The only potential spoiler is at the very end with Anastasia’s boarding section. Readers who have been paying attention and know Psi-Wars lore already know while readers who aren’t versed in Psi-Wars lore won’t understand the significance. Either way, it doesn’t matter much at this point.

session 1, session 2, session 3, session 4, session 5, session 6, Session 7

This time, Gleep’s player was unavailable. He should have minimal difficulty getting aboard the Prestige.

Simon at the Pit

Seltu went to the pit to check on his ship and meet with Keres and Meeks (trader contacts he hired to watch his ship). As expected, Keres was nervous around a “law man.” She reported no issues with Seltu’s ship, but when reviewing some of the footage/logs, Seltu noticed that Reefer (the Slug’s krokuta slave/strong man) appeared to have monitored the ship.

After formalities, the two traders continued their conversation in Klik. It is much faster than speaking a human language. Seltu inquired about some aid in a particular smuggling operation. Meeks has a stealthy ship after all. Keres seemed surprised. Her positive reation to Seltu overcame her natural suspicion, and so she suggested that her brother, Meeks, could help. After some intense negotiations with Keres low balling estimates and Seltu trying to offer more, Seltu hired Meeks for extraction and Keres for hacking at a bargin price 21K Wei. Seltu simply needed to sneak some Centimani aboard the Prestige to assist in hacking the security.

Anastasia and Xaka Meeting Gilfoil Star

Anastasia and Xaka went to meet Gilfoil Star at a bar. The plan was that Xaka would pretend to be “Ānnaren the Great Fortune Teller” whom Anastasia brought to use “ancient keleni arts” to check to see how “compatible” Anastasia and Gilfoil were. He would then hypnotize Gilfoil covertly, and Anastasia would ask some questions that Xaka provided to get information out of Gilfoil. Anastasia and Xaka would take Gilfoil back to his hotel, and Xaka would make Gilfoil think he had a “good time” with some random, internet asrathi girl who is not Anastasia.

The plan worked well. Gilfoil was drunk at the time which made him more susceptible to hypnosis. He was willing to entertain some phony fortune teller to get with Anastasia. With some cheap crystals and bioluminescence, Xaka was able to succeed in his hypnosis attempt and obtain information about “back doors” Gilfoil left and a database vulnerability in the Prestige’s security (this is what happens when you hire a shady cyber security guy and then fire him before a big event). The mechanical effect is that the hacker gets a single use +4 bonus to Computer Hacking, a single use 1+ bonus (reduced from +4 due to security being on the lookout after the first back door is exploited) and a single use 1 minute system slowdown from a database vulnerability. The plan worked well except that Anastasia got caught in the hypnosis as well.

Blake at Imperial Security Office

Blake went to the visit the Imperial security office to inquire about the Crooked King, put Imperial security on alert for the Crooked King and the Bloodsiders and to attempt to ask the psi hunter on a date. The security office was aware of the threat and claimed to be prepared for high security. The incoming governess would be on board the ship after all. Blake failed at her other goal in a highly awkward manner. She is both Clueless and Shy.

Final Planning

The crew met to discuss final logistical matters before boarding the Prestige. Ceres was missing a ticket. Simon looked through the guest list provided by Keres, and Blake attempted an Oracle. They picked Rener Bell as a guest missing a +1 who would be a good option to get Ceres on the ship. With a critical success on a default Current Affairs roll, Xaka new Rener Bell, and with an Impulse Buy point, Rener owed Xaka a favor. We had tickets for everyone, a hacker with knowledge of security vulnerabilities, a plan and potential opportunity to grab the key and a potential way off the ship when things go bad.

Boarding the Prestige

We concluded the session with everyone boarding the ship. Kronos is near core of the galaxy. It doesn’t have a moon, but its stars a quite bright. The view from the Prestige is an impressive sight to behold. The Prestige itself is a Regal-Pattern Cruiser and is also impressive.


Simon arrived first since he is on the security team. Petro Magnum and Kenta Kai greeted him. As a former Shinei he eyed Simon with suspicion, but Simon was able to make a good impression (quoting some Neo-Rational catechism may have helped a little). The security team briefed Simon on the security situational (wands, cameras, etc.). After the briefing, he went to visit Shojo Otaka for details on his cyber security duties. Simon managed to distract Shojo while getting Keres connected to the Prestige’s system. Keres mentioned that she had seen no signs of Bloodsiders nor Shikari. This was unexpected at this point since there isn’t much of an opportunity left before the event starts.

Blake and Xaka

Blake and Xaka arrived together since their job is to authenticate the key. Xaka had no trouble getting passed security since he had no weapons to sneak aboard. Blake had a monowire whip and was able to get it through security due to a Serendipitous distraction.


Anastasia arrived with Cherry. Cherry had no trouble getting aboard, but Anastasia was stopped because of her prop force sword. After demonstrating that it was fake she was allowed through. Kenta Kai rolled his eyes at Anastasia’s silliness.

A (not so) mysterious redhead met Anastasia and introduced herself as the one Anastasia was requested to smuggle away. Even Anastasia recognized her as “Lady” Emmaline Mistral-Granger.

Anastasia: “I’m Princess Anastasia Siberiana, assassin alumnus of the Harrow Academy, Adept of the Graceful Form nyan.”

Emmaline: “I’m a Westerly farm girl who everyone thinks is a princess.”

Final Thoughts

We finally made it to the Prestige. Our plans are fairly good at this point, but something will happen at some point to cause chaos. It is a heist after all.


In case it wasn’t clear, Seltu is Simon’s trader name.